samedi 21 juin 2008


I've just returned from a four-day road trip. I have so much to tell, I'm not sure where to start. I suppose I could tell you that you people in the US don't know from high gas prices, but nobody really wants to hear that. It's a good thing that the money here is this fake monopoly stuff called euros or I might really be stressed out about the prices.

Anyway, I went on a road trip with my housemate, Mary, who drove the Mercedes that belongs to this program we're part of. Not a bad way to travel, and Mary gets full marks for European driving skills. I get partial marks for navigation. Our first stop was Carcassonne, which is a medieval fortified town in the Cathar region of France, just north of Pyrenees. It's quite breathtaking. It has to be appreciated mainly as a 19th century endeavor since it was rebuilt rather fabulously by Viollet-le-Duc. He did a wonderful job but there is something rather Disney-esque about it, especially when the busloads of tourists start arriving. Luckily, we had arrived late in the evening and so got to the site first thing in the morning, before the other tourists, so it was enjoyable for a quick visit. The pointy, slate-covered turrets you'll see in the photo are a V-l-D confection. They may not be authentic, but you've got to give the man credit. They look good.

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