samedi 21 juin 2008

NOT Barcelona

After leaving Niaux (see below) we were supposed to go to Barcelona. The plan was to park the car in Perpignan, a French city not far from the Spanish border, and take a train to Barcelona. We are not allowed to drive the car out of France, hence the complex plan.

Sadly, we missed our train by literally five seconds, and there were no more trains to Barcelona that night. By this point it was evening and we had no back-up plan. However, my clever friend Mary looked at the map and spotted Collioure nearby, on the Mediterranean coast. She said, "Matisse painted there. It must be nice." So off we went. We figured from there we could get to Barcelona in the morning.

And nice it was. I will post only a few pictures, but let me tell you, this place is heaven. Barcelona was forgotten very quickly as we parked ourselves next to the sea and basically stared at it for the next 24 hours.

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