vendredi 13 juin 2008

reader's challenge

I don't know if I actually have any readers, but if you're out there, this is your shot at glory. You have a chance to WIN a contest and a FABULOUS PROVENCAL PRIZE. I don't know what that is yet; probably lavender soap because that's the only souvenir I can find, but don't let that stop you from participating.

Here is the challenge. Above, I have posted a picture of an object found in this very house. What do you suppose it is? Leave your guess as a comment, below. A correct answer will win a Fabulous Prize. (full disclosure: I do not know what this object is. But I will find out).

9 commentaires:

thea a dit…

Perhaps these are oversized bookends!! Enjoying your newsy blog, knowing you're having fun. Tried to post a message before but had trouble w/the site. xxxooo

Unknown a dit…

Chris & I are spending Saturday night reading your very entertaining blog! Regarding this objet, Chris thinks it is simply a random piece of art that someone sculpted. To me, it looks like a chamberpot related objet.--Carolyn

Sarah a dit…

Christian et Carolyn, in response to Chris' guess, I will add this potentially helpful clue. There are other, similar objects around town.

jbf/efv a dit…

I'm guessing it has something to do with drainage--part of a water channel system?

Beth a dit…

Something to do with mopping? Or maybe processing grain.

Unknown a dit…

OK, I'm going to guess something to do with getting muddy boots off.

Suzanne a dit…

Its a privy!

Tami a dit…


That is obviuosly a clothes wringer, though it is on it's back. You put the clothes between the 2 bookendy things, they are called wringoulesz, and squeeze the water down the trough. It is also used to butcher a chicken (supply your own visual). Enjoy the rest of your trip.


Sarah a dit…

Wow, at this point Tami may win on shear bravado. I also must admit that my efforts to find out what the thing is have failed. I will persevere.