mercredi 11 juin 2008


I am quite triste to realize that my time here is half over. It's going by very quickly. My work is moving along, not as quickly, but at least it's moving. I went on an outing today, to see a man who makes incredibly beautiful mosaics. He lives in a village improbably far from anything else, on top of a mountain. Equally improbably, many other people live there. His house is at the top of the village, much like this one, and there were truly incredible views from there.

He is sort of an amateur archaeologist, though I think that unfairly denigrates his knowledge. He picks up stuff at Roman sites, mostly roof tiles, and mostly at sites that have already been excavated and abandoned by archaeologists, so I can't fault him for treasure hunting a little. He uses these found materials to make his mosaics. They are really fabulous, and I'm not the only person who thinks so. He was describing a project he did... it was a swimming pool for the family of Jules Verne, perhaps predictably with a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea theme. He says he never wants to make another picture of a fish.

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