jeudi 5 juin 2008

chatting with the boys

Since I’ve been away I’ve been chatting with the boys on Skype, which makes it much easier to handle the long separation. If you’re not familiar with this technology, basically we chat through the computer, and can see each other, so it’s like a video phone. Leo is very patient with the process and usually ends up with at least one squirmy boy on his lap and the other one leaping around him, both showing off for me on the computer. They get a little excited, which I think is probably a little tiring for Leo.

They also like to push, rather enthusiastically, the buttons on the computer. Which generally breaks the connection. So Leo has to keep them from doing that. Today, he sounded a little exasperated as he gently asked them not to push the buttons. I told Jamie I had a deal for him. If he could resist pushing the buttons on daddy’s computer, when I got back to Houston, I would set up a computer for him to use (I remembered that I have an old laptop I don’t use anymore). He looked pretty interested. He was sitting very still, a rarity, and paying close attention. “A toy computer?” he asked. “No, a real computer.” I said. “I’ll resist,” he whispered, reverentially.

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