mercredi 28 mai 2008


Absorbed by Neolithic and Paleolithic thoughts, I decided to head out to find the local prehistoric monument, the dolmen. It turned out to be a couple of kilometers from town, but it was a lovely walk alongside farms and vineyards. The dolmen was great, though not surprisingly, the folks who built the road nearby seemed not particularly interested in showcasing the monument. They didn't destroy it, which is something, but it's practically buried in the roadside ditch. Makes it pretty hard to imagine it in a prehistoric context.

I got down into it, hoping to feel a magical vibe. Some animal was rustling around under the leaves, though, and I realized a scorpion or snake bite was more likely than a magical vibe.

3 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

I will admit it. I had to google "dolmen". Oh I am so ignorant!

Sarah a dit…

Sorry, Meg! You're not ignorant, I should have explained. Picture Stonehenge-type rocks, but only one, and smaller, and in a roadside ditch.

Beth a dit…

One small rock in a ditch honestly sounds a *lot* less dramatic than Stonehenge.

Sarah, I'm at the reunion! Everyone has been asking where you are and I have been telling them you're in Provence at Picasso's mistress's house. They are all jealous. And isn't that what you want at a reunion? It's perfect.